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personal statement

My work is intimately entwined with the landscape of the Andean territory I inhabit: a mosaic of ecosystems, where natural entities–-mountains, rivers, forests, lakes–are communicating vessels with the Earth in the cosmovision of the original cultures of this region. These landscapes currently face invasion and destruction due to the activities of an invasive worldview that considers them as mere objects. Raw materials. Modern consumer society assails the Andes with unrestrained urban sprawl and toxic mining exploitation.
It is a critical situation that has driven me to focus on the iconic natural monuments of indigenous culture, delving into the physical and geological features that configure the form and character of each place-landscape as a subject in itself. In my view, this highlights their ecological value in the perpetual metamorphosis of the planet.

I frequently resort to graphic techniques such as woodcut, intaglio engraving and lithography to express this concern. My work attempts to establish a direct relationship between the medium and the representation of the image, trying to generate in the public and society a sense of belonging to the ecosystem that sustains us.


Juan Ignacio Revollo Morales was born in La Paz in 1982. Currently works out on his private studio and at the printing workshops of the National Academy of Fine Arts in La Paz. Since 2008 he has worked in several feature films, short films and theater in the area of ​​Art. In 2015 he started giving engraving and painting courses hosted at his own workshop.




2002-2009    Graduate in Fine arts, specialization in Printmaking at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz

2006-2007    Awarded a scholarship for the IV Master of Graphic Work. International Center for Contemporary Printing – CIEC. La Coruña,                          Spain.

2000-2001    Studies in Architecture at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz

1998             AFS year exchange student . Buller High School. Westport, New Zealand

1987-1999    Bachelor in Humanities. De La Salle School. La Paz




2020   First Prize in Reproducible Work, LXVIII Pedro Domingo Murillo, Municipal Award. Bolivia

2008   Honorable Mention in the IV International Engraving Biennial Contratalla. Spain

2007   Fine Arts Career Special Mention, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

2006   "Enrique Arnal" First Prize in Reproducible Work, LII Pedro Domingo Murillo, Municipal Award. Bolivia

2005   Grand Prize of the Fine Arts Career, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

2004   Honorable Mention in Engraving, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

2003   Second prize in painting, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

2002   First prize in painting, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés




2020   LXVIII Pedro Domingo Murillo Salon. Bolivia

2013   Olho Latino Museum. 10 Latin-American engravers. São Paulo, Brazil

2010   Small Format Engraving Triennial. Chamaliers, France

2007   CIEC Foundation Gallery. Betanzos, La Coruña, Spain

2006   LII Pedro Domingo Murillo Salon. Bolivia

2003   Third SIART Biennial. Young art. Bolivia




2019   La Lagarta Espacio de arte. Windows on the abyss, pieces of horizon. La Paz

2018   Universidad Privada Boliviana Cultural Center. At the edge of the stones. La Paz

2014   Hallwright's Gallery. Drawings and engravings. La Paz

2012   Simeón Roncal Cultural Center. International Festival of Culture. Sucre

2012   Alliance Francaise Art Gallery. Graphic landscapes in three spaces. La Paz

2010   Espacio de Arte Abierto. La Paz

2007   Forum Artis. Anthologies. Betanzos, La Coruña, Spain

2002   Europa Hotel. The caress upon my hand. La Paz

2000   Café Azul. Reflections in water. La Paz




2021   Casona Santivañez Museum. Gráfica XXI. Cochabamba

2021   National Museum of Art. Primer concurso de Miniprint. La Paz

2021   Agora Cultural Workshop. Impronta, exposición colectiva de Grabado. La Paz

2020   Tambo Quirquincho Museum. Salón Pedro Domingo Murillo. La Paz

2020   Franz Tamayo Cultural Center. Feria de arte Sämi Qhatu 2020. La Paz

2019   Agora Cultural Workshop. Traces of Engraving. La Paz

2019   Ministry of Culture, Casa del Alba. Pachamama between water and fire. La Paz             

2018   Franz Tamayo Cultural Center. First National Engraving Encounter. La Paz

2018   Agora Cultural Workshop. Converging among inks. La Paz

2017   Gíldaro Antezana Hall. Graphic of 4 aces in time. Cochabamba

2017   Alliance Francaise Art Gallery. G Spot. La Paz

2016   Hernando Siles National Academy of Fine Arts. XC Anniversary. La Paz

2016   Hernando Siles National Academy of Fine Arts. Artistic tribute. La Paz

2014   San Francisco de Asís University. Engravers’ Collective. La Paz

2014   San Miguel Art Gallery. La Paz

2012   National Museum of Art. Engraving in Bolivia. La Paz

2011   Arte21 Gallery. Painting collective. La Paz

2011   Olho Latino Museum. Bolivia-Brazil Engravings. São Paulo, Brazil

2010   Universidad Mayor de San Andrés School of Architecture. Estampa 2010 Bolivia-Brazil. La Paz

2009   Bolivian Arts and Cultures Foundation. Mordiente paceño. La Paz

2008   Union Circle. La Paz- Betanzos- La Paz. La Paz

2008   Vice Ministry of Cultural Development. Chiaroscuro. La Paz

2008   Nota Art Space. The value of the engraving. La Paz

2008   Vice Ministry of Cultural Development. Potosí: The only city. La Paz

2007   Franz Tamayo Cultural Center. Contemporary bolivian graphic arts. La Paz

2005   Franz Tamayo Cultural Center. Association of Plastic Artists of La Paz. La Paz

2005   Oruro Association of Fine Artists. La Paz, Oruro, Potosí. 

2004   Oxígeno Art Gallery. Travelling. Santa Cruz.

2002   Simeón Roncal Cultural Center. Festival of Culture. Sucre






2021   Cover artwork and inside ilustrations. "El Carnaval de los Espíritus" de Andrea Iquisi. Edit. El Caníbal inconsecuente. La Paz

2020   Inside ilustration. "Manubiduyepe" de Juan Pablo Piñeiro. (p.12) "Tardígrado". Edit. 3600. La Paz

2017   Cover artwork for the book "El Sena" by Francis Ponge. Edit. La Mariposa Mundial

2014   Cover artwork for "El Desacuerdo" Magazine, No.: 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26

2012   Poster for the film "Ciudadela" directed by Diego Mondaca

2010   Cover artwork for the novel "Illimani Púrpura" by Juan Pablo Piñeiro






2019   Makeup Assistant for the film "Los Viejos Soldados" directed by Jorge Sanjinés

2018   Makeup Assistant for the film "Fuertes" directed by Óscar Salazar

2017   Art Direction for the film "Sirena" directed by Carlos Piñeiro

2015   Art Direction Assistant for the film "Salt & Fire" directed by Werner Herzog

2014   Makeup Assistant for the film "Juana, Guerrilla of the Great Homeland" directed by Jorge Sanjinés

2011   Makeup Assistant for the film "Insurgentes" directed by Jorge Sanjinés

2011   Set painter for the film "Norte Estrecho" directed by Omar Villarroel

2009   Set painter for the film "Los Viejos" directed by Martin Bouloq

2008   Art Director for the film "Hospital Obrero" directed by Germán Monje




2012   Art Director for "Plato paceño" by Carlos Piñeiro. 1st Eduardo Abaroa Award. Pachamama festival Award, Brasil. SIGNIS AWARD                    and best Art Direction FLUR and FELCIT- Argentina.

2009   Propmaster for "Max Jutam" by Carlos Piñeiro. 1st Creation Forum Oaxaca Award, Mexico

2009   Set designer for "The Dream of Death" by Rodrigo Bellot. 1st Biennial SIART Award

2008   Art Director for "La Orilla de Madera" by Carlos Piñeiro. Best Prize Art Direction FENAVID International

2007   Art Director for "Martes de Ch´alla" by Carlos Piñeiro.  Amalia de Gallardo, National Video Award




2016   Scenic Art for “La Pasión de Cristo según San Lucas” directed by Norma Quintana




2013   Scenic Art and Design for “Nomis Ravilob” directed by Cergio Prudencio




2012   Art Director for “Shakespeare de Charcas” by Percy Jimenez

2011   Art Director for “Los B” by Percy Jimenez

2011   Art Director for “Piezas” by Percy Jimenez

2011   Art Director for “Las Aves” by Aristófanes, adapted by Christian Mercado

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